[LBN005] Ballpen – “The dreams trilogy” (October 11, 2010)

This music is based on how my dreams have been working throughout the years. The thing I like about dreams is

that there are no schemes, no shames, no recipes and everything can happily or strangely cohabit with everything

else. The way the songs are composed are similar to what I’ve expereinced in my dream so far. Like the hospital in

my hometown turned upside down and placed in the middle of a race circuit, or me riding a turtle dressed up like

Darth Vader, chasing my auntie  along the dock of an unknown port in Malaysia. And other billions of strange and

funny combinations of the puzzle-pieces of my life. And everybody’s life I suppose. Some of this dreams are made

in a song form, some others are built like a possible dream would develop. Some vocal parts sound like somebody

that’s sleep talking and the music is supposed to be what’s sonically going on in his/her head or you can hear that

the music melts when somebody is falling asleep. And if you listen at a reasonable low volume you can still hear

the music and what’s going on in the room next to yours at the same time. It’s very interesting. I swear. Apart

from this, also think that this music is good for your heart. And, by the way, this album has been recorded inside

a cardboard box.

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Forward Music – “The Dreams Trilogy is a collection of lush soundscapes. It features a myriad of different instruments, with soft vocals, guitars and percussion sounds. It’s a real thing of beauty …” / Kathodik  – “… colorate pasticche sonore pienamente fedeli a un sogno e alle sue slabbrate logiche, la musica di Ballpen funziona in maniera davvero egregia… una release assolutamente piacevole, da godersi prima di andare a letto, ma anche per i momenti più rilassanti della giornata, magari buttando un occhio ai testi ogni tanto.” / Free Albums Galore – “Overall, it’s a oddly attractive minor masterpiece of bits and sounds that should keep your enthralled.” /ON REPEAT “… un condensato di composizioni placide e morbidissime, che oltre ai sogni – richiamati esplicitamente nel titolo – fanno pensare al dormiveglia, a quello stato di abbandono e di semi-incoscienza che precede il sonno vero e proprio.” /Match-Cut – “The songs sound as if they were composed and arranged with found memories washed up on the shores of the nostalgia beach, simultaneously echoing back the days of indie-past and looking forward into the future of DIY recording.” / Recent Music Heroes  On the other hand, all of those slowly progressing chamber music lines built up to half-evolved crescendos, intimate sonic insights and introspections, a lot of key changes, subtle minimal electronic and glitch-y ghosts-infused undercurrents are up for to eliminate stylistic walls around its concept and allowing to bring forth a lot of transcendental feelings for a subject…Altogether, a great composition indeed.” / HOPBLOG – “Ballpen nous régale avec sa musique post-rock, folktronica, absolument délicieuse, qui n’est pas sans évoquer le post-rock de Chicago de la fin des années 90 ou encore la musique de F.S. Blumm. Une vraie gourmandise.” / Musica Selection  Alessandro Coronas es el autor de este gran álbum, en donde intenta reflejar los hermosos sueños felices del artista, y nos los transmite mediante un sonido acústico con delicadas y suaves voces que hacen aun mas ensoñador este viaje de melodías.” / Phlow – “The dreams trilogy” es un compendio de tracks atemporales con líricas surrealistas que fluyen entre el easy-listening y el pop más acaramelado. Destacar la delicada atención a la percusión y a los muchos patrones traviesos que aparecen ocasionalmente.” / Hefty Shit  “Enjoy this wonderful music and step to the a.m with it!” / NetMusic Life  “The dreams trilogy” è sicuramente uno degli album più belli,compatti,creativi ed omogenei che io abbia ascoltato nel 2010…Un album che consiglio vivamente a tutti e che dopo ripetuti ascolti continua a regalare sorprese.” / Netlabels Revue – …Au final, on a un disque d’une réelle beauté, très évocateur, dans lequel l’on appréciera cette farandole de sons autant acoustiques que numériques mis au service d’une musique dédiée entièrement à la tranquillité et au repos.” / Acuvi – “If you listen at a reasonable low volume you can still hear the music and what’s going on in the room next to yours at the same time.” / Free Music Archive “… the album is full of acoustic rhythms posing as melody and vice versa; some locked down in-beat while others tumble free. I’ve got a soft spot for the percussionist’s approach to composition…” / Yamanotedreams – “Very good album, I recommend !” / Quart – “…A szerző azt javasolja, hogy hallgassuk halkan, és akkor áthallatszik az is, ami a szomszéd szobában történik; így is jó, de úgy is, ha odafigyelünk, mert akkor rengeteg apró, nagyszerű ötlettel találkozhatunk.”